The food drive was great! We managed to donate 24 small loaves of bread and 13 large ones. I have some pictures of the drive that I will share as soon as I find my phone. O.o More on that later...
I feel really honored to be able to help in my community. The ladies at praying hands ministries do awesome work with comparatively few resources.
Days off
Thanks to everyone that was patient about not getting an order last week. Raúl and I went away for 3 days. We didn't know where we were going till the night before. We ended up in Charleston South Carolina. We were enjoying ourselves so much that we forgot to take any pictures. Immigration is going to think we don't like each other. :p
Raul and I have great taste when it comes to food but, we have a dollar menu budget. :P So, we brought some bread and a hot plate. I made us ham egg ad cheese sandwiches for lunch, then we had ham sandwiches and fruit for lunch. That way we could afford to try some tasty things for dinner. :D
It was pretty uneventful, I did buy a new pair of sandals. The souls of my old ones were coming apart. We mostly walked around and sat on the beach. After this past year "uneventful" seemed to be just what the doctor ordered.
Wedding Adventure

We got back on Thursday and spent the weekend being lazy. We went to a wedding in Raul's family on Saturday. We didn't know the couple, which feels weird but, if you have as many relatives as Raul it seems to be pretty normal to be invited to events regularly, it was entertaining though.
The couple was from Oaxaca, Mexico. If you are not versed in different Mexican cultures. Think big cowboy hats and boots, ladies in colorful dresses and loud Mexican country music. The dancing is similar to jigs and square dancing you see in the south. We had fun watching the people we even danced a little, Raul is getting stronger everyday. :)
We went home early and found a lady stuck on the side of the road. She was with her children. Her transmission went out and she lost control of the car and went over the curve. Raul and I put her kids in our car out of the cold and helped push it off the curb into a parking space. By the time we actually got home it was super late and I dropped my phone somewhere in the apartment and haven't seen it since. Hopefully it will turn up soon.
New Items
Surprisingly there are still strawberries at the Farmer's market. So until they are gone I am adding strawberry pie to the menu. This is a big pie. It is a deep dish and 10 inches. It has a lattice crust and a whole bunch of fresh strawberry goodness. (I will have a picture when I track down my errant phone. o.o)
Also, as we all start to gather more, a lot of it being outside. I will be selling hamburger buns. Nothing elevates a burger like an awesome hamburger bun! :) I will have them all summer get some for your next time grilling out they do great in the freezer too.

Thanks to everyone that has had my back. I hope you to see you Saturday!