It has been over a year since I made a post. In the mean time Raul has been in and out of the hospital, I graduated from college and started a job as a school teacher.
Teaching 6th grade science was a fun and challenging experience, especially since all of my teaching experience and education focused on High School Education.
I was told during training, that my first year of teaching would be the hardest most stressful year of my life. I was hard but, after the year I had before I hardly noticed the stress of the job. :P Though the sheer lack of supplies and school materials to teach the kids effectively was
shocking. My textbooks were the same I had when I was in 6th grade, just now falling apart and covered in "rocket ships" (6th graders are after all 6th graders).
We do have a digital textbook but, it is so hard to navigate that I have to use it very sparingly. I do have access to another wonderful resource that is full of activities and experiments but, because 6th graders are not tested in science, I am not provided any materials to do those wonderful things.
They will get some awesome workbook/textbooks in 8th grade. That is the year they are tested so that is the year the school system believes that is the only year they should have supplies. Ugh...I think their education should be great every year not just on testing years but, what do I know?

Outside of teaching, my business slowed down last year because I was just not able to keep up. This year I will be attending school and teaching but, I am ready for it!
Over this summer, I expanded my business to the Stokesdale Marketplace. I wish I could say that I found this opportunity all by myself, they contacted me. :) I brought them some samples and now I have been there three times. I have a booth there every Sunday from 12 p.m.-6 p.m. Come visit me!
In other news, I am updating my website so my URL currently doesn't work. If you are here during that time you probably received and alternative link from me.
Peaches are still in season so get yourself a peach pie or a loaf of peach bread before time runs out and if you want to try something really decadent get yourself a peachy fig pasty. The figs are grown in Greensboro and the Peaches in Candor.
I know this post is all over the place, it is hard to condense a year into a few paragraphs. I hope everyone is doing well!
See you soon during Saturday pick-up or perusing the Stokesdale Marketplace!
If you are interested in supporting my classroom check out my wish list here!